Pay Dues.

603WW operates as a dues supported organization. We encourage each Delt Alumnus to join the group through submission of the Annual $50.00 contribution or a larger amount of $100.00 as you wish. Simply stated, we need a robust dues paying membership to operate.

Further, 603 WW is developing a permanent Endowment for use by the organization. This Endowment is funded by Members gifts. We encourage you to consider a charitable gift to 603 WW. Questions about gifts may be directed to our Treasurer Mr. Koeppel'75 via email :

The Endowment is a long term proposition which welcomes gifts of all sorts. Cash gifts, planned longer term gifts, securities and estate gifts are appreciated and will be acknowledged as received.

There are four ways to pay your dues, instructions for each are below. The preferred method of payment is check.


By Check

Checks can be sent to:
Dan Koeppel
1207 Edgehill Street
Jacksonville, IL 62650-2727


Google Pay

Send payment to
*requires app to be downloaded on your phone*



Use as your submission email address



Send payment to Dan Koeppel,