March 2024 Newsletter

March 603 WW Newsletter

Hello Wabash Delt Nation! This issue includes articles from Dan Walters '79 and Roger Wilson '76. You will find information about giving to the Delt Affinity Challenges in April, attending the Wabash Big Bash in May, contributing financially to 603 WW Inc., and attending a Delt steak dinner. Please read on Brothers!

Delt Affinity Challenges

Mark your calendars for the Wabash Day of Giving on 4/24/24. The theme this year is celebrate Wabash. Last year the Delts were first in the total number of donations for all of the affinity challenges. We were fourth for the number of individual donors. We surprised everyone! We have set the bar high. Our goal is for Delts to be first in both the total number of donations and individual donors.

The plan for success....

Take the amount you plan to give and break it into smaller donations. Example: take your planned $100 donation and make it five $20 donations for the different Delt Affinity challenges. Put at least one of your donations in the name of your spouse or partner. This will increase our total number of individual donors. Reach out to your pledge brothers and other Delts to ask them to participate in the Delt Affinity Challenges.

Watch the Wabash score board through the day and keep the Delts on top! This can be a fun competition between living units. Call your credit card company the day before to let them know you will be making multiple donations to Wabash College on April 24th. Let's show everyone what it means to be a Delt. Remember Wabash Always Fights! Go Delts!  

Wabash Big Bash

Mark your calendars for the Wabash Big Bash reunion weekend May 31st - June 2nd.

Delts have reserved Camp Rotary in Crawfordsville from noon Thursday 5/30/24 until noon Sunday 6/2/24. Camp Rotary will serve as a gathering place in the evenings for Delts to enjoy cookouts and campfires.

Lodging will be available at Camp Rotary in the bunkhouse with heat and air conditioning. You will need to bring bedding.

Estimated cost for attending Camp Rotary Delt activities (including lodging) will be $50 per individual or $60 per family. Registration information for Camp Rotary Delt activities will be sent out in early May.

Visit the Wabash College Website to register for the College hosted reunion activities.

I hope to see you soon. Dan Walters '79

603 WW Inc Contribution Reminder

603 WW Inc. was founded on the concept of continuous Brotherhood between the men of Delta Tau Delta, Beta Psi Chapter. In our Mission Statement we use words to convey the purpose of fostering spirit and support including educational support for Undergraduates and Alumni of the Chapter.

In pursuit of this Mission, we offer some Graduate School Test Preparation financial support and look forward to the day when we can grant some level of scholarship funds. We have established both a Graduate School Testing Fund and a General Endowment Fund. Both are funded by contributions of Delt, Beta Psi Alumni.

603 WW Inc. also has a social side to bring Brothers together across graduating classes at events such as Big BASH, Homecoming, and Monon Weekend. There are additional events throughout the year in the Indianapolis area as well at the Delt House. These social events are funded by attendance/participation charges specific for the event and not by Annual Contributions. Furthermore, social activities are not a revenue stream for 603 WW Inc. We endeavor to keep costs down to a level that will cover the event costs. In fact, Alumni Brothers often personally underwrite some event activities or sponsor the attendance of some individuals. 

Many of you may have recently received a letter seeking an annual contribution. I am requesting each of you to make a minimum contribution of $50 to $100. Many contributors are at the $100 or higher level of giving. Your contributions are the only source of funding for the operations of 603 WW Inc., the Grad Assistance Fund, and the General Endowment Fund.

You will find directions regarding submission of your Contribution at this weblink,

Roger Wilson ‘76

Board Chairman

603 WW Inc. 

Actives & Alumni Steak Dinner

On Sunday Evening April 21st at 6:30 p.m., 603 WW Inc. and the Actives will be cohosting a steak dinner at the Delt House. This is a casual steak dinner to help strengthen the existing Shelter relationship with 603 WW Inc.

Chef Mark Elrod '99 will be grilling the New York Strips. There is no charge to attend.

If you can attend, please email Randy Allen '77 to reserve your spot. Email Randy at


Chapel Talk